Home Improvement
How To Avoid Lockouts
If you’ve ever locked yourself out of your home or car, then you know what it’s like to need 24-hour locksmith services in Westwood. Lockouts are a relatively common, high-stress situation in which a professional locksmith is necessary for a safe and effective solution. Instead of trying your own DIY break-in, which could be potentially dangerous and unsuccessful, locksmiths can help you regain access to your home or car with little to no effort on your part. All you have to do is make the call.
Since locksmiths are the ultimate resource for a lockout situation, you should always have 24-hour service on hand in case of emergencies. However, there are also many steps that you can take for prevention. Locksmith experts in Beverly Hills share their advice with folks who want to avoid a lockout.
Do a Double-Check
You should always double-check when you’re leaving your home or exiting your car. Are your keys in your hand? In your bag? It’s easy to get distracted by the bustle of our day-to-day activities, and our keys can get forgotten. If you get into the habit of looking for your keys, it will become second nature, and you will be less likely to forget them somewhere and lock yourself out. One helpful way of remembering to look at your keys is to have a special object, something that will draw your eye, on your keychain. As long as you get used to seeing this object, you will start looking for it naturally, and it will always be associated with your keys.
Have a Spare
Having a spare key is an obvious solution to the lockout problem. However, many people still fail to do it. If you don’t want these extra keys on hand, choose the most important ones to duplicate and find a trustworthy locksmith service in Westwood. Then, once you have the duplicate, you can save it in a safe place or give it to a trustworthy person so that you will be able to access it in case of a lockout.
Buy a Key Finder
There are tons of key finders on the market that you can use to locate your keys before leaving your house. Some of these can be connected to your phone, triggered by clapping, or voice-activated. This will help even the most forgetful person.
Use Smart Locks
If you are bad with handling keys, then consider a security system that doesn’t require them. Smart Locks are electrically operated and can be accessed with Bluetooth through your phone or tablet. You can set up a code or merely scan your device to gain access to your home.
Know Who to Call
Although there are many things you can do to prevent a lockout, mistakes still happen. Having a 24-hour locksmith service saved on your phone as a backup is a good idea. The last thing you want to do when you’re experiencing a lockout is to search through the endless array of businesses on Google. Find a local locksmith you can trust and keep them on hand for emergencies.