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Try This Simple Workout At The Gyms



Try This Simple Workout At The Gyms

There’s no shortage of different exercises and routines that you can try at the gyms in Brentwood CA. If you are a novice and you’re just trying to learn a few basic exercises with which to get started, some of the things that people around you are doing can seem complicated or overwhelming.


What you have to remember though, Brentwood residents, is that you don’t have to do what anyone else is doing. Everyone’s bodies are different, and you probably won’t have the capabilities of someone that has been doing gymnastics for ten years, or kickboxing. You won’t be able to hoist heavy weights like someone who is an accomplished weightlifter. Instead, it’s best to start with the basics, and this routine is as good of a place as any.


Running on the Treadmill


This is an ideal way to get the blood flowing, as it allows you to work up a sweat and it’s not difficult to learn. Jog at a steady pace for five or ten minutes, depending on what kind of shape you’re in. You’ll be able to build up to a longer run later.


Leg Press


You can then get on the leg press machine and do one set. In determining how much weight to use and how many reps per set, you’ll need to test your limits and assess your capabilities carefully. You don’t want to overdo it. If you need some assistance with this part, a personal trainer will be glad to help you. You’ll find the employees at the gyms in Brentwood, CA to be among the friendliest around.


Lying Leg Curls


This is another simple leg exercise of which most people should be capable. It works out the hamstrings and the gluteal muscles. One set of these is okay to get started.


Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown


Moving on to the arms and chest, the wide-grip lat pulldown is an easy move, but it’s best to ask a gym employee to demonstrate it for you. You can begin with a smaller amount of weight for this as well, and move up gradually. One set is plenty when you’re starting.




One set of butterfly will work wonders for your arms, chest, and shoulders. You’ll be thrilled when you can start to see some definition in your upper body because of this move.


Triceps Pulldown


Any of the gyms in Brentwood, CA should have the rope attachment needed for this upper body exercise as well. Make sure and watch while one of the gym employees does it first. The improper technique could result in an injury.


Ab Crunch Machine


The ab crunch machine is the best way to start working on those abdominal muscles. You can get that toned, sexy core that you want if you stick with it. One set is all that’s required, but like the others, you’ll work on doing more as you get used to the motions.


This entire routine will take you less than half an hour if no one is using the machines ahead of you. These exercises are good for starting because they can be done by almost anyone regardless of their physical condition, and any gym in Brentwood, CA will have the equipment necessary for you to do them. You will be able to move on to more exotic exercises and more reps in time. For now, start with this basic workout and see how it feels for you. If you like it, you can start adding and modifying as the weeks and months pass by.


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