Your Personal Trainer Santa Monica Knows How To Get You Looking And Feeling Your Best
You might not feel you need a personal trainer Santa Monica. Jogging on a treadmill and lifting weights; how hard can it be to stay in shape? It’s true that some people go through their lives without personal trainers, but don’t be so quick to dismiss what they might do for you. Personal trainers are fitness experts. They spend their lives shaping and molding human bodies, and if you have a fitness goal, you should at least consider how they might restructure your workout routine to help you get to where you want to be. Here’s what a Santa Monica personal trainer had to say about getting in the best shape possible.
Do More Than Cardio
Cardio is helpful for keeping your weight down, according to the personal trainer to whom we spoke, but you should not neglect weight training. Strength training burns calories, but if you have more muscle mass then your resting metabolism is higher. If you have strong muscles, that also promotes good form when you’re engaging in other activities like running or hiking. They’ll also protect you from injury, so head over to the dumbells when you’re done with your jog.
Your Diet Has To Match Your Fitness Routine
Our Santa Monica personal trainer also stressed the importance of proper diet in conjunction with your workouts. You can be spending all of your time in the gym, but the good it does you is going to be limited if you then turn around and gulp down chocolate milkshakes and pepperoni pizzas for dinner. Cardio and strength training will get you the best results if you slowly refine your diet to match your goals in the gym. You don’t need to do a complete transformation all at once. You can start with small changes like a side salad for lunch or a bowl of bran cereal with fruit for breakfast. In time you’ll move on to better grocery shopping so you have more healthy options at home.
Less Food Does Not Always Equal Weight Loss
The Santa Monica personal trainer to whom we spoke wanted to stress that eating way less than your regular diet as a way of losing weight will not work in the long term as an accompaniment for an exercise routine. If you’re working out harder then your body will crave calories, and starving it will only break down the muscles you’re working to build. Instead, eat lots of nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits, and drink lots of water. Over time you will feel fuller after you ingest fewer calories, but it will take a while for your body to adjust.
If you have questions to ask a Santa Monica personal trainer about your diet or your exercise routine, don’t hesitate to ask them about it. They are always glad to help you toward your fitness goals. You may find that if you form a relationship with one of the trainers at your local gym that it will make your journey a little bit easier.